I love this postcard for the man and the jewelry – both what he is wearing and what he is making.

Turquoise, coral, abalone, agate, jasper probably all provided the colors on his necklace.  Abalone was traded in the southwest since 1500 BC. Semi-precious stones were mined over time, coral arrived with the Spanish and turquoise was ubiquitous.

Turquoise is found in the Southwest in a spectrum of blues and greens. It is only found with copper, and was first used around 200 BC.  I am interested in language which provides layers of meaning within a cultural and environmental context. Turquoise is a good example of this. According to the Navajo Word of the Day website, the word for turquoise is dootł’izh. In English turquoise means blue, but the actual mineral is a broad range of blue to green. According to the same website, the word for turquoise is the thing that is the color, not the color itself. What’s really interesting is that colors in Navajo are verbs. I like this idea – I imagine how differently the world would look to me if all colors were verbs. It took me a minute to understand.

Given the context of the desert, I imagine the connection to the sky, water and back again. The bright blue sky of the southwestern desert can be the color of the brightest blue turquoise. The paler greens and blues remind me of water – the little ponds at the edge of a desert river, to the deep blue of the Salt River. Some of the colors are remind me of sage or Palo Verde trees. This mineral uniquely reflects the desert and its life.

When I think about the artist on this postcard, I think about how his methods, used on ancient stones in ancient ways are alive and well and being made/sold/traded all over the southwest. How many cultures are alive, vibrant and using techniques from 1,000 years ago or more? To me, this is a tangible, present lifeline to the past.

The post card is postmarked June 19, 1949 and was sent from Colorado, to New Jersey. The postcard says:

“Dear Joan, We are in Denver Colorado tonight. Will see you soon. I trust you are a good girl. We bought you something very special. God Bless you. Love, Uncle Ken and Marj.” Maybe this says Marj – maybe not.  I think it says Mrs. J, which leads to another story line….in 1949.

Sent to Miss Joan Ceruty, Mine Mount, Bernardsville, New Jersey.

I assume Miss Joan was a young niece, who was anxiously awaiting a lovely, exotic gift from the great Southwest. Mine Mount Road today, in Bernardsville appears to be an affluent   suburb. Perhaps Miss Ceruty received a wonderful, colorful necklace like the necklace in the picture.  Perhaps she was given a ring, bracelet, or the iconic squash blossom necklace.

The post card description says: “Our scene shows the primitive method of drilling turquoise, which is a semi-precious stone peculiar to the southwest and worn by all tribes of Indians of this region at the time of the Spanish invasion. Great strings of valuable stones are worn about the neck, in ears and set in various articles of hand-wrought silver jewelry.”

This is a pump drill. The string around the shaft allows the artist to pump up and down, turning the drill bit, which creates the hole in the stone.

I indulged myself with something very special, as is mentioned in this card. I have a necklace much like the necklace this artist is wearing, purchased at the Heard Museum in Phoenix. When my parents owned the Stagecoach, we had a little case, where we stocked Native American jewelry. Somehow, no matter the temperature, this jewelry always felt cool. I love the veins running through the turquoise, never the same, maps of its path to the bracelet. I wondered and still wonder how someone, anyone found these hidden deposits of stones, then realized polishing, smoothing and cutting could transform into this art form. Perhaps seeing the veins, the blue of the sky, water, algae, sage inspired all the spiritual associations so many centuries ago. Perhaps a woman or a girl a thousand years ago, held a stone and thought about cool water and blue skies. I certainly do when I wear my necklace.

Until the next jewelry shopping.


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Sherry Dewane is very much an Angeleno, living in Los Angeles, but her roots are firmly planted in rural Wisconsin. Years living in Montana and travels throughout the American West shape her worldview. Sherry’s imagination, love of the outdoors, Midwest work ethic and love of reading were nurtured on an iconic lake in the woods, where she enjoyed her early childhood. She spent the first 11 years of her life on English Lake, in rural Wisconsin, exploring woods, fields and the lake, endlessly walking, swimming, ice skating, water-skiing and enjoying the seasons, reading and writing.


  • Diana

    Beautiful card and jewelry!! I love how the pump leaves his hands free! Now I want to see your necklace!!

    • Sherry Dewane

      Dear Diana – as always – thanks for reading!! I will make sure to wear the necklace the next time I see you!

      Have a great sunny Sunday!!

      Best, Sherry

  • Suzy

    As a passionate fan of all things “jewelry”, I appreciate the care the craftsman was taking with his artistry. Too bad there isn’t a follow up postcard showing the finished product. I can imagine that it was quite lovely. A piece of jewelry fashioned by an artist closely connected to the stones he’s working with, as seen in this postcard, creates a certain essence that becomes as much a part of that
    piece as the stones themselves.

    • Sherry Dewane

      I agree!!

      Thank you for reading and commenting!


  • George A.

    This is a great post card! I love the way the guy can take such a simple tool and create such beautiful pieces of art.

    • Sherry Dewane

      Dear George – thanks for reading. This is meaningful, coming from you, since your company is doing construction work. You certainly appreciate fine craftsmanship.

      Until the next round of jewelry.


  • Joan

    I love the jewelry and the fact that is is hand drilled. I demonstrate a pump drill when I volunteer at an archeological Museum.. it is an art I’ve not accomplished. I totally admire the talent and patience required in creating a necklace. Beauty.

    • Sherry Dewane

      Dear Joan, AKA Mom! Thanks so much!! The talent with so many of these artists is just amazing. The wonderful thing about Indian jewelry, pots, rugs, and other art, is that it is accessible. There is so much available and so many incredible artists in the Indian Nations. Some of them still use the old tools and traditional ways of creating their art. I just love it.

      Thanks for reading my blog!! Sherry


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